Judicial Board #

The Judicial Board is the judicial branch of the UCLA Undergraduate Students Association (USA). Serving in a similar capacity as the United States Supreme Court, the Judicial Board primarily adjudicates disputes involving infractions of the USA Constitution, Bylaws, and Election Code. Additionally, the Judicial Board serves as a board of appeals concerning decisions made by the Elections Board.

The Judicial Board is a reactionary institution and can only exercise its powers following a formal request via a petition. In order to file a petition, please complete a Petition for Consideration per the guidelines outlined in the document and the Official Rules of the Judicial Board. Both documents can be found below.

Documents #

Members #

Hanna Skikne #

Chief Justice #

Adam Thaw #

Associate Chief Justice #

Poom Yoodee #

Associate Justice #

Sara Ohannessian #

Associate Justice #

Oseas Garcia #

Associate Justice #

Amelie Lobo #

Associate Justice #

Mithra Venkatesh #

Associate Justice #

Terms #

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