
2024 – 2025

(Reverse Chronological)

  1. Resolution Demanding Increased Funding and Improved Services for BruinAccess

  2. A Resolution Demanding the Renaming of Campbell hall to Carter-Huggins Hall and for the Creation of Proper Statues Honoring the Lives of Black Panthers Alprentice “Bunchy” Carter and John Huggins

  3. A Resolution Calling for the Establishing of a Student Financial Oversight and Transparency Committee at UCLA

  4. A Resolution for Excused Absences Based on Immigration Authority Presence

  5. A Resolution to Support the Adoption and Funding of the BruinFresh Undocumented Bruin Grocery Stipend Program

  6. A Resolution Following up on Calls for a $20 Minimum Wage for ASUCLA Student Workers

  7. A Resolution of No Confidence in the Office of Campus and Community Safety

  8. A Resolution Against Student Conduct Charges Brought Forth on Students Arrested in the Pro-Palestine Protests

  9. A Resolution Demanding the Fowler Museum Repatriate All Stolen Ancestors & Belongings and for UCLA Administration to Reinstate the Nagpra Compliance Committee 

  10. A Resolution Calling for UCLA to Become a Sanctuary Campus

  11. Resolution for Chancellor Frenk to Establish a Student-Led Advisory Council on Immigration Policy

  12. Resolution Opposing UC Board of Regents' Recommended Tuition Hikes for Nonresident Students

  13. A Resolution Calling for a $20 Minimum Wage and Paid Sick Leave for ASUCLA Workers

  14. Resolution Calling to Increase Funding for the UCLA CARE Office Until State Allocations are Designated by the UC Regents

  15. Resolution Endorsing Ballot Measure DD and LL

  16. Resolution Condemning Time Place Manner Policies

  17. Resolution Calling for the Immediate Demilitarization of UCLA's Campus

  18. Resolution in Support of Assembly Bill 2586

  19. Statement Opposing UCOP Policy

  20. Resolution to Demand the UC to Undo the Encampment Ban

  21. Resolution to Demand the Immediate Reinstatement of Lecturer Dr. Beth Ribet

  22. Resolution Against Eviction of Basic Needs Center

  23. Resolution Condemning Benjamin Netanyahu's Address to Congress

  24. USAC Sign-On to UCSA Letter

  25. USAC Sign-On to STC4ALL Letter

  26. Resolution to Oppose Criminalization and Discriminatory Measures Against Unhoused People

  27. Campus Hearings Statement USAC Sign-On

  28. 5/6 Amnesty Letter USAC Sign-On

  29. Resolution Calling for the Immediate Resignation of Gene Block

2023 – 2024

(Reverse Chronological)

  1. A Resolution In Solidarity with UCLA and all Universities exercising Pro-Palestinian Encampments and Actions, and Their Right to Peaceful Protest

  2. A Resolution to Implement Course Marking at UCLA

  3. A Resolution to Ensure the UCLA Community’s Health, Safety, and Wellness in Response to COVID-19 - DSU & SLAP

  4. Resolution Requesting the ASUCLA Board of Directors to Cut All Contracts with Starbucks Coffee Company

  5. A Resolution in Support of the Use of Increased Funding to Expand UCLA's Collegiate Recovery Services

  6. A Resolution in Support of the UC Student Association's Racial Justice Now Campaign for Academic Reparations and the Establishment of a Permanent $1B Endowment Fund to Improve Afrikan UC Student Access, Retention, and Graduation Rates

  7. A Resolution in Support of an Earmark in Appropriations for Bruin Cubbies on Campus

  8. Resolution in Support of California AB 1818

  9. Resolution Condemning the Genocide of the Ethnic Armenian Population of Artsakh and Calling for the University of California’s Immediate Divestment from the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Turkey

  10. A Resolution to Boycott and Divest from Apartheid, Ethnic Cleansing, and Genocide

  11. A Resolution in Supporting of a Heavy Rail Line Along LA Metro's Sepulveda Transit Corridor

  12. A Resolution in Support of STC Heavy Rail 24

  13. A Resolution to Endorse UCLA Commitment to 100% Clean Energy by 2035

  14. Sikh Heritage Month Resolution

  15. Resolution to Support the Healthy Streets LA Ballot Measure

  16. A Resolution to Ensure UCLA’s Health, Safety, and Wellness in Response to COVID-19

  17. A Resolution in Support of Assembly Constitutional Amendment 6

  18. Resolution in Support of The LGBTQIA+ Community After Discriminatory Supreme Court Ruling

  19. Resolution in Support of Affirmative Action Against the Supreme Court’s Ruling To Terminate Equitable College Admissions in the US

  20. Divestment from TMT Project on Mauna Kea

2022 – 2023

  1. A Resolution affirming the Protection of students' right to a supportive academic environment and Urging Student Involvement and Empowerment in driving the mission, vision, and values of the UC and UCLA

  2. A Resolution Calling on UCLA to Take The Lead in Creating Climate Justice

  3. A Resolution to Endorse Fully Protecting 30% of California’s Oceans by January 2030

  4. A Resolution Calling For Equity and Excellent Education For Students in the UCLA Reduced Fee Program Passed

  5. A Resolution in Solidarity with the Armenians of Artsakh, and Demanding that UCLA Stand with Armenian Students and Denounce Armenophobia

  6. A Resolution Affirming Support of UC Student Association's Disability Justice Budget Ask

  7. A Resolution in Solidarity with the UCLA Campus Bike Advisory Committee to Support the LA Department of Transportation's Westside Mobility Projects

  8. A Resolution In Support of A Heavy Rail Sepulveda Line; Imploring UCLA to End its Inaction

  9. A Resolution in Support of the UC Academic Workers Strike

  10. A Resolution Urging Florida Elected Officials to Withdraw Outrageous Legislative Bills

  11. A Resolution to Expand Sexual Assault Forensic Examination (SAFE) Access for Students

  12. A Resolution for the Effective Involvement of Student Feedback in the Hiring of the Associate Center for Accessible Education Director

  13. A Resolution Urging UCLA to Address the Impact of Gun Violence on Students

  14. A Resolution Condemning the Words of LA City Countil Leaders and Calling for the Resignation of Council Members De-León and Cedillo

  15. A Resolution in Solidarity with Iranians Protesting the Killing Of Mahsa Amini and UCLA Stance

  16. A Resolution in Support of the Cancellation of Student Debt

  17. Resolution for Asynchronous Election Day

  18. A Resolution Supporting the Creation of a State-Wide Interest-Free Loans Program for California College Students

  19. CALPIRG UCLA Plastics USAC Resolution

  20. A Resolution In Solidarity With All Affected Individuals By Roe v Wade

  21. Resolution For The Removal of Punitive Notations From Student Transcripts

2021 – 2022

  1. A Resolution standing in solidarity with victims and families of Buffalo, New York Racist attack

  2. A Resolution Uplifting the LGBTQ+ Community at UCLA

  3. A Resolution Honoring the Work of the Uncodumented Student-led Network Cohorts Report

  4. A Resolution in Support of the Buy Your Values UCLA Campaign to Push UCLA to Carry Worker-Friendly and Environmentally Sustainable Apparel

  5. A Resolution Supporting Remote Learning Options

  6. Resolution Calling For A Direct UCLA Westwood Purple Line Stop on the Sepulveda Transit Corridor

  7. A Resolution Outlining Student Response to Administrative Overstepping of Student-Initiated, Student-Run Projects

  8. Resolution in Support of AFT

  9. Resolution on ADHD Awareness Month

  10. A Resolution to Acknowledge National Transfer Student Week

  11. Joint GSA and USAC Resolution to Honor Rafer Lewis Johnson

  12. A Resolution Honoring the Mabuhay Collective, Samahang Pilipino, and the Pilipinix Community in Recognition of Pilipinx-American History Month

  13. A Resolution to Expand UCLA Off-Campus Housing Resources through College Pads and the Community Housing Office

  14. A Resolution in Support of Reusable Diningware at UCLA

  15. Resolution to Commemorate the Signing of the ADA and to Push UCLA Towards Further Accessibility

  16. A Resolution to Oppose the UC Cohort-Based Tuition Hike

  17. USAC Resolution in Solidarity with Palestinians

  18. A Resolution in Reiterating Restructuring the Basic Needs Committee

  19. A Resolution In Support of Proposed Changes in the Westwood Village Specific Plan

  20. A Resolution In Support of Jewish Students Amidst Rising Antisemitism

  21. A Resolution in Support of Additional Federal Funding For the BruinHub Commuter Student Project

2020 – 2021

  1. USAC Resolution to Condemn ATL and endorse PHRA

  2. UCLA 2020 NVP SGA Resolution

  3. Resolution to Support $15 Million in California State Legislature Funding for the UCLA Lawson Worker Justice Center

  4. Resolution in Support of the PEACE Act

  5. Resolution in Support of Renaming Janss Steps to Tongva Steps

  6. Resolution in Support of International Students and in Recognition of Their Struggles Highlighted by COVID-19

  7. Resolution in Support of Funding Project SPELL

  8. Resolution in Support of Affirmative Action and the 2020 Ballot Proposition to Repeal Proposition 209

  9. Resolution in Favor of a Grant-Funded Program for Open Textbooks at the UCs

  10. Resolution Condemning the Military Coup in Myanmar and in Support of Burmese Students

  11. Resolution Condemning Anti-Asian American Sentiment in California Exacerbated by COVID-19

  12. Providing Additional Guidelines for the Input of Representatives from the Congressional Advisory Board

  13. Adopting a Special Rule of Order Allowing the Input of a Representative of the Congressional Advisory Board on Certain Agenda Items

  14. A Resolution to Support a Los Angeles Metro Sepulveda Transit Corridor Stop at UCLA

  15. A Resolution to Support Doubling the Maximum Award of the Federal Pell Grant

  16. A Resolution to Support Burmese Students and the People of Myanmar

  17. A Resolution to Endorse the Carbon Dividend and Energy Innovation Act

  18. A Resolution to Commemorate the 25th Death Anniversary of Former Vietnamese Student Union President Thien Minh Ly and Condemning Hate Crime Resolution

  19. A Resolution to Abolish the University of California Police Department

  20. A Resolution on the History and Development of the Cultivating Unity for Bruins (CUB) Referendum

  21. A Resolution in Support of the VISION Act (Carrillo, AB 937)

  22. A Resolution in Support of the Open COVID Pledge

  23. A Resolution in Support of the Election Board's Engagement Initiative

  24. A Resolution in Support of the Bruin Excellence and Transformation Grant Program

  25. A Resolution in Support of Student-Athlete Agency and Autonomy

  26. A Resolution in Support of Parenting Students and Affirming their Demands

  27. A Resolution in Support of Formerly Incarcerated and System Impacted Students Creating a Prison-to-School Pipeline

  28. A Resolution in Support of Federal Funding for the Bruinhub Commuter Student Project

  29. A Resolution in Support of Committing California to 100% Clean Energy by 2030

  30. A Resolution in Support of California Senate Constitutional Amendment No

  31. A Resolution in Support of Academic Accommodation for International Students

  32. A Resolution in Restructuring the Basic Needs Committee

  33. A Resolution in Recognition of Students Experiencing Homelessness and in Support of Safe Parking

  34. A Resolution in Recognition of Artsakh and in Support of Academic Leniency for Students Affected by the Ongoing Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict

  35. A Resolution for Solidarity with Contract Faculty, Teaching Faculty, and Lecturers

  36. A Resolution for Graduate and Professional Equity at UCLA

  37. A Resolution Commemorating Lily Shaw and her Contributions to Disabled Student Advocacy in USAC and the Broader UCLA Community

  38. A Resolution Calling for the UC to Divest from War

  39. A Resolution Calling for Solidarity with the Black Community and Condemning Police Brutality and Anti-Blackness

  40. A Resolution Calling for Online Inclusivity and Web Accessibility Within the USAC and UCLA Online Environments

  41. A Resolution Against UC Layoffs

  42. A Resolution Acknowledging the Racist History of Joseph Le Conte and Calling for the Renaming of Le Conte Avenue

  43. Resolution in Support of Academic Leniency

  44. A Resolution in Support of the Plaintiffs in Payan v

2019 – 2020

2018 – 2019

2017 – 2018

2016 – 2017

2015 – 2016

2014 – 2015

2013 – 2014

2012 – 2013

2011 – 2012

2010 – 2011

2009 – 2010

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