SGA – Overview
The Student Government Accounting (SGA) office manages financial matters related to the funding of the Undergraduate Student Association.
Kerckhoff Hall 332
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Currently, the Undergraduate Students Association (USA) has over 700 student group/departments in our database, alone. As an effort to aid the student groups/departments, we have placed as many documents, forms, instructions and PowerPoint Presentations on this website for your convenience. For example: How To Fill Out a Req.
The Student Government Accounting office uses the General Requisition Form to process the expenditures of each student group/department, and student government office.
USA's funds can be utilized through 5 main methods:
Payment of Invoice
Purchase Orders
Cash Advances
Student groups are granted funds through the process of proposals and hearings. After funds are granted, the funds are transferred into the student group's account (sometimes referred to as a department) in the SGA office.
For USA, the different funding sources would include:
Capital Contingency
Academic Affairs Mini Grants
ASUCLA Board of Directors (BOD/USA) Programming Fund
CS Mini Fund
Once funds have been allocated to your student group, in order to access your account a general requisition must be submitted, or a REQ for short. Each req much be completely filled out with the appropriate signatures, necessary information, your 21 digit account number, and the required attachments.
SGA Resources
How to Fill Out a Req (PDF)
A guide that shows students section by section how to fill out a req in addition to an introduction to how a req is processed.
USA Check Register (GSHEET)
A list of checks being mailed out and available for pick-up at our office. This form is updated every Monday and Thursday to reflect the additional checks that will be released on the following Tuesday or Friday respectively.
SGA Problem Requisitions (GSHEET)
A list of requisition forms with issues. If your requisition form is in this spreadsheet, please follow-up with the Student Government Accounting office as soon as possible so your requisition form can be processed.
Student Group Department Numbers (PDF)
A list of every department number assigned to each student group or organization that has an account with SGA. Knowing your department number will help facilitate the processing of your req and also help the SGA staff answer any questions.
Account Number Help (PDF)
Shows an account number with each section labeled with an example of a group's account number as depicted on budget report and on a req.
Signatory Form (PDF)
Each student organization must have a signatory form on file with SGA. Only those in the appropriate positions within the organization may authorize expenditures. These individuals are those that must sign their student organization's reqs under "signatures," approving the req.
Budget Transfer Form (PDF)
The form needed to transfer funds from one account to another. This form must be submitted with signatures authorizing the transfer before reqs will be processed.
USAC Simple Performance Agreement (PDF)
This simple performance agreement is for use by USAC offices and USAC sponsored organizations (e.g. projects in CSC, SWC, CAC) only. Registered campus organizations should use the RCO Performance Agreement instead. This fully signed agreement must be submitted to Student Government Services here and must be attached to the requisition form for honorarium payment. For honoraria above $1500, please reach out to to initiate the contracting process.
USAC/GSA Simple Contractor Agreement (PDF)
This simple contractor agreement is for use by USAC offices and USAC sponsored organizations (e.g. projects in CSC, SWC, CAC) only. Registered campus organizations should use the RCO Contractor Agreement instead. This fully signed agreement must be submitted to Student Government Services here and must be attached to the requisition form for honorarium payment. For honoraria above $1500, please reach out to to initiate the contracting process.
RCO Simple Contractor Agreement (PDF)
This simple contractor agreement is for use by registered campus organizations only for honorarium amounts below $1500. USAC offices and USAC sponsored organizations (e.g. projects in CSC, SWC, CAC) should use the USAC Simple Performance Agreement or reach out to for honoraria above $1500. This fully signed agreement must be attached to the requisition form for honorarium payment. Contact your SOLE advisor with questions.
RCO Performance Agreement (DOC)
This contract is for use by registered campus organizations only for any honorarium amount. USAC offices and USAC sponsored organizations (e.g. projects in CSC, SWC, CAC) should use the USAC Simple Performance Agreement or reach out to for honoraria above $1500. This fully signed agreement must be attached to the requisition form for honorarium payment. Contact your SOLE advisor with questions.
W-9 Tax Form (PDF)
A Standard IRS form that must be filled out by the performer/service providing entity in order for the req to be processed; the second attachment to an Honorarium.
USAC logo for use on official documents.
The ASUCLA logo is to be used on BOD/USA official documents and other ASUCLA programming funds.
ASUCLA Tax ID Letter Request Form (PDF)
This form enables USAC Offices and Commissions who solicit or have received donations from Vendors or Individual Persons to provide the donor with proof of ASUCLA's non-profit status. This is also the form to fill out if a donor requests a W-9 Form or Letter of Determination.
T-Shirt Cheat Sheet (PDF)
Guidelines for purchasing T-shirts with money from Contingency.